Marvel's Story

​​Marvel was found walking the streets in Pembroke Pines.  As you can see in his pictures, he was nearly starved to death.  His mouth was full of abscesses.  He was in terrible condition and smelled horrible.  We immediately began working with our veterinary team to put him on the road to good health.  Within a few weeks, he was gaining weight and doing extremely well.  Moreover, his demeanor was incredible!  Marvel is a perfect example of an incredibly loving dog who was left to survive on his own on the streets.  Marvel is currently being fostered and is looking for his forever home. For more information on Marvel, please go to our ADOPTABLES page and follow his link.  If you are interested in meeting Marvel, please contact us today!

​Update: Marvel has since been adopted and is living his best life! 

Below are some of our most critical rescue cases.  

We've included before/after pictures along with a brief story behind each. These cases are exactly why Pets In Distress, Inc. exists. 



Axel & Bentley's Story

Axel and Bentley are two brothers, approximately 1-2 years old, who were found in the median at the incredibly busy and dangerous intersection of Griffin Road and Flamingo Road.  The were completely un-socialized and incredibly fearful, so much so that they could not physically move from their huddled position on the median without our assistance.  They had never been on a leash.  We can only imagine what they had experienced in their short lives.  They were undernourished.  They were in a desperate situation.  Thankfully, PID has partnered with Rayfield Jon Baisley of Alpha Dog Academy.  Rayfield, a dog behaviorist and trainer, has been working closely with the boys. They have been receiving daily therapy, love, encouragement and training.  We have one foster in place, but are looking for two as we would like to separate the boys. This will allow them to thrive.  UPDATE! August 2013 - The boys are on the road! Axel's in Georgia and Bentley is on his way to Maryland.  Update September 2013 - both boys are doing GREAT! 

Travis was rescued from Broward Animal Control. We had decided we would take a dog that was in the worst condition, as you can see by his intake picture he won the prize! When we picked Travis up we were shocked at his condition once again. He had been shaved & was severely emaciated. Travis went to his foster home where he received lots of food & love! As you can see he is a gorgeous, happy boy now and has been adopted to a wonderful family.

Travis' Story

Scarlett's Story

​This little girl at only 6 lbs and approximately 14 weeks old was found wandering the streets alone.  As you can see she had an incredible case of demodex.  Slowly but surely with the help of Dr. Mendy and his team at Jacaranda Animal Hospital our little Scarlett began her transformation.  Within a few weeks, her skin began responding to treatment and her hair began to regrow.  

Hope's Story

​Hope was yet another case of an abandoned dog, nearly starved to death. She was found in Davie, alone and in total despair. Saddest of all is that Hope is a Senior (approximately 13 years old).  Meaning, she was most likely someone's pet for most of her life.  How she ended up the way she did is unknown.  Everyday is a blessing for Hope as she struggles to gain weight.  Hope is currently being fostered and is receiving a lot of medical care and even Reiki treatments! She's coming along but again, each day has it's own obstacles that she is slowly overcoming.  Hope needs all of our love and support.  Hope is not ready for adoption at this time, we continuously keep our Facebook page updated with her progress - Please follow us!   UPDATE! August 2013 - Hope has been adopted! She found her forever home in her groomer! We love this kind of happy tail!  Good luck sweet girl! 

Rose's Story

​In February of 2012 Rose was pulled from the euthenasia room at Miami Dade Animal Services.  She was not well and needed medical attention, she had influenza, pneumonia and heartworm positive! Also, it was clear that she had been used as a breeding machine, she just needed a place to relax and recover.  Rose was thankfully adopted by a loving PID family and is happily enjoying herself in the sunshine in Fort Myers!

Family of Five

This family consisting of five abandoned animals, mommy (Angel/Ginger), daddy (Paulie) and three newborn pups (Blossom, Oreo & Baby Bear) were abandoned in Broward County.  As you can see in the pictures, the family had to undergo nebulizer treatments due to exposure to canine influenza.  To make matters even more complicated it was discovered that two of the three puppies had distemper.  Sadly, one of the three, little Blossom, was euthanized due to her dire condition.  Thankfully, Oreo was receptive to the therapies and medication administered to combat distemper and successfully overcame.  However, she was left with damaging side effects leaving her without the use of her two front arms.  Regardless, Oreo (aka Smoree!) is a true fighter and she will soon be rocking a custom built set of wheels to help her get around with her big sister Daisy! Angel/Ginger was adopted and is living happily with her new mommy!  Paulie and the only boy, Baby Bear, were adopted together by PID volunteer, Amanda Bosch, they now happily welcome and mentor Amanda's fosters for PID! 

Baby's Story

Baby is a 3 year old female pitbull that was rescued by an 84 year old woman when her owner was raping her. She is very sweet & loving. The woman has a mentally ill son that shot her & Baby on Tuesday evening. The police called Pets In Distress to see if they could get Baby the medical care she needed. Baby was taken to emergency where she had surgery on her spleen...apparently the son had kicked baby so hard her spleen was ruptured & she had fluid in her abdomen. Baby was shot in her hind leg...the bullet went through one leg shredding the muscle and went into her other hind leg shattering the bones. Ultimately, her leg was amputated. In spite of all, Baby thrived on her three good legs.  She rehabilitated beautifully and was soon after adopted into a loving home! 

Heather's Story

Another TEAM DAISY rescued DDB! All the way from Alabama! Heather (or Heddie as Momma Kelly calls her) came to PID after she was surrendered by her owner.  As you can see, she was emaciated.  Worse, she is heartworm positive.  Our Southern Belle has been on a road to recovery since her rescue back in March.  She continues on her journey to good health while living with Team Daisy Captain - Daisy herself! Heather is a sweet girl who needs a lot of TLC as she battles through her ailments. Update:  With heavy hearts on October 22, 2013, we said goodbye to our sweet Southern Belle.  She was a beauty queen to us that has left us with her legacy to honor and that we will!  We'll see you soon beautiful girl! 

Kashmir's Story

Kashmir, a small Pomeranian was used for backyard breeding. When she could not give birth and delivered one dead puppy her breeders took her to a "private" vet to perform a c -section!  They put her on a heating pad which nearly killed her.  As you can see from the pictures of her skin, she was in severe pain.  The family was unable to pay vet bill and were convinced to surrender her to Pets In Distress! Not only was her skin an issue, but she also contracted an ecoli infection - creating more lesions - from laying in her own feces!  She is receiving  holistic and intense skin therapy and we are hopeful that this sweet little girl will make a full recovery. 

Faith's Story

Rescued from certain death at Broward Animal Control! Our girl Faith is our newest Code Red Res-Q.  As you can see from her photos, Faith is early in her recovery.  She is in good health but clearly was neglected.  We picked her up and got her to a safe place. Momma Kelly fed her some much needed and healthy food. She got a flea/tick bath followed with a conditioning treatment with products provided by our friends at SynergyLabs and she was left in a loving foster home.  She is currently receiving the TLC she needs before she is available for adoption.  Faith is a beautiful young boxer mix.  She's a gentle and happy girl - we love watching her progress!!! She is gaining weight healthily and should soon be ready for a forever home! Update! Faith has been adopted! Wishing you a happy life beautiful girl!

Miracle's Story

Found wandering through a parking lot in Plantation, Florida.  Little Miracle was clearly starved, barely able to walk and was covered in abrasions from her hips to her ankles.  We believe these were contracted from being kept in a crate that was too small.  With a lot of love, patience and therapy, we have been able to get Miracle on the road to recovery.  Every day she is stronger and continues to improve.  She truly is a miracle to us!

Glory's Story

Pets in Distress received a call about two German Shepard's on US 27, one dead and the other sitting next to him.  When we arrived it was clear that the Shepard that was still alive was in need of medical attention.  The female, who we named Glory, was oozing puss and blood from multiple open wounds. She has severe demodex mange, swelling of her face, legs and paws, and a list of other issues that we are still uncovering.  Malnourished and dehydrated, Glory was faced with a grim future. We can only imagine how these two ended up in such dire condition. and Glory trusted us enough to leave her companion behind. Thankfully, we were able to get Glory to a safe place and she is currently decompressing, eating, hydrating and will hopefully be on the road to recovery shortly.  The outpour of support has been amazing and we hope to have her with a foster shortly.  UPDATE: Glory has been adopted!!! 

Hayden's Story

Hayden was rescued out Miami Dade Animal Services where he was on death row. He was not only severely emaciated but was covered in demodex mange, not a hair on his body. He was literally a bloody mess. Hayden is a special boy. He picks & chooses the people he likes.  He was mistreated so badly, its hard for him to trust. Hayden now lives in Indiana with his forever loving family & is doing great! UPDATE: It is with great sadness that our Hayden passed away on March 19, 2015. He went peacefully in his sleep knowing love and kindness from his amazing foster mommy. 

Priscilla's Story

Priscilla was just 6 months old when she was found wandering the streets sick & in terrible pain. She was taken to Broward Animal Control where we picked her up with the hopes of rehabilitating her. She had no fur at all due to demodex mange and was swollen beyond belief! She was treated with medication and medicated baths. Priscilla is now feeling great & absolutely gorgeous! Priscilla is a very active girl looking for the perfect family!  ​UPDATE: Priscilla has been adopted!!!!

Serenity's Story

Serenity was picked up off the streets of Miami. She was starved half to death and covered with hundreds of ticks! Serenity tested positive for heart worms. This is a classic case of severe neglect! Serenity responded well to treatment and now is a healthy big girl! Serenity is patiently waiting for her forever family! UPDATE: Serenity has been adopted!!!!